Thoughts, jokes, and political commentary from a sardonic, outspoken, fun loving, sassy,
30 something female.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Cry Me a Freakin' River...

Posted by Sassy 0 comments
"In response to criticism from opponents seeking to defeat him in the Aug. 24 Republican primary, the four-term senator says he was misled by then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. McCain said the pair assured him that the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program would focus on what was seen as the cause of the financial crisis, the housing meltdown. "

McCain Tries to Weasel His Way Out

Please? Since when is propping up a public industry with tax dollars borrowed from ANOTHER COUNTRY been a sound, financial plan?

McCain insults the intelligence of Arizonians!

Friday, February 19, 2010

I Sure Am Glad......

Posted by Sassy 0 comments
That partisanship is a "Republican Only" club!

Reid Mouths "SCREW U" Across the Aisle

Every time I think he can't pull another rabbit out of his hat, another rodent emerges. While I appreciate his desire to cut government spending (*cough, cough, giggle*), it seems to me that Washington (Reid in particular) must think the average American WAIS score actually falls below 69!

There's only three possible reasons he would pull this stunt, folks:
  1. He was ordered by the White House to do so to give Americans the IMPRESSION that the dems care about reigning in spending (Not bloody likely!)
  2. He's setting the Repubs up to say "NO", thus proving that they don't care a thing about the citizens and they are obstructionists (Note the irony on THAT) or
  3. He's hoping to glean that extra $60 billion for more NEVADA bacon deals (Listen for the sizzle).


Posted by Sassy 0 comments

You too can get the latest craze in "delusional" attire!
Are you serious? How could we possibly be missing you? The stench left from your corrupt mishandling of our country for 8 long years hasn't even begun to dissipate. What's the shelf life on "apathetic elitist warmonger" stink? Let's see.....8 trillion dollars in debt....over a period of 30 years...divided by a population of...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Holy Smokes! Say Farewell to Freedom Greece!

Posted by Sassy 0 comments
Although, I will admit I'm not's still troubling to actually see it come to this and to think that a nation's sovereignty can be snatched away like taking candy from a baby.

Greece Gets Neutered!

I suppose this is national conquest for the new millennium. We don't form a crusade and invade anymore... we ask you to be our "comrades" and then take you out when you've made enough rope to hang yourself.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Man, I'm Proud of Robert Gibbs

Posted by Sassy 0 comments
What a tool!

I'm pretty sure that Palin's not smart enough to run our country...but it literally makes me sick to my stomach to think I'm helping pay the salary of someone that's less mature than my eight year old. THIS is the guy the WH thinks should be in charge of it's press image? Is he hoping to parlay his experience in Washington into a spot on Talk Soup???

"Hey, Robbie! Head on over to Sassy's house tonight for dinner. You and my second grader can take turns 'pulling each other's fingers'. Tool."

**The deeply closeted Freudian in me wonders whether Gibbs wipes with his "hope" and "change" hand.**

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Always the Last to Know...

Posted by Sassy 0 comments

Good news everyone! Our ol' buddy Geithner says there's no way we'll see a double dip recession!Of course...then again...he didn't really see the first one coming...

We won't...unless we do...but surely we won't!

Monday, February 1, 2010

It's Official...I think I'm in Love....

Posted by Sassy 0 comments
with Ron Paul!