Now, normally, I'm not one to jump to the defense of someone like Harry Reid. He epitomizes the type of individual that I dislike most...Someone that feels justified in marginalizing "close minded" individuals, all the while, when confronted with any idea differing from his own personal opinion his cranium slams shut like an airlock on the Endeavour. There are plain ol' hypocrites and then there are over-educated, self-loathing, uptight, intellectual elitist hypocrites. I prefer the vanilla variety, hands down.
In all honestly though, I just cannot figure out what the big deal is about
Game Change. By now, we've all heard that Reid believed that the world was Obama's oyster primarily because he was "a "light-skinned" African-American with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one..."
Now, it may be me...but I took his statement, not as personal affirmation of these African American traits, but as a judgement on the public and their inability to accept the idea of an African American president. He wasn't saying...."I like my African Americans to be pale" he was saying "the more white he looks and appears, the better shot he'll have at winning over a relatively racist populace".
And he apologized to the president???
See, the truth is...you can't have it both ways. You can't denouce or refute Reid's opinion of US citizens without admitting that there have been remarkable strides in race relations in the last 30 years. And we musn't do that, because it only benefits the government to keep all parties waiting with baited breath to claw someone elses eyes out. Catch 22.
The party of 'No (thought)' will come to the rescue. No wait... instead of capitalizing on the implications that Reid's statement made about the American public, the GOP will continue to rail against Reid with their baseless and humorous attempts to brand him a biggot.
GET THIS THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULLS....Reid's statement wasn't derrogatory towards Obama, it was derrogatory of the American people!
Alas. The truth of the matter is that this little gaffe will probably be the last nail in Harry's coffin. But never fear good Americans! He will rise again like the Phoenix. See how the mothership waits closely by to wisk him away to a planet far from Nevada?