Thoughts, jokes, and political commentary from a sardonic, outspoken, fun loving, sassy,
30 something female.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Well...It Looks Like the Celtic Tiger May Rise Again!

Posted by Sassy 0 comments
Well...well...well. It looks like Ireland may be the only party in town that's been consumed in the quagmire of debt in the last 20 years and lived to tell about it. It should be no surprise that having heard the familiar tune of 'economic colapse', they've decided to recreate history and climb back out of the sinkhole, regardless of the cuts and scrapes along the way.

"How Are We Supposed to Deal with This?"

Wow. So, that's what a responsible govt. looks like! It's interesting that the Irish get so little respect when what their govt. is doing is so worthy of some. Mark my word, if they can tighten the belt, establish a haven for businesses, and fend of the Euro...the Celtic Tiger will indeed rise again.

Will America emmulate Ireland and enact strict governmental budget cuts? No. This will never happen in the good ol' USofA. We will instead continue to try holding our cracked economy together with the salve of 'entitlement' and bandaids made out of 'inflated' currency.

Funny, Ireland is worried that their youth will emigrate to other countries. I wonder if there's time for American's to slip into the revolving door in the opposite direction? My guess is that, in the years to come, Ireland will once again prove that its citizens are strong enough to truly face disaster and triumph over it...with or without lucky charms.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Now...It MAY be me...

Posted by Sassy 0 comments
but Rock the Vote's newest scare tactic is leaving me a little...well...un bothered.

"We pledge ourselves to the health and liberty of young Americans and to government for the people ... and to never f---ing you if you are against us," the team of actors in the video says.

Nice. Nice AND classy! It's probably just as well that they're uninterested in "mating" (see how I didn't use the 'F' word, mom?) with me. I think anyone that whole heartedly supports the current administration's idea of reform is too unintelligent to get my mojo going. Although, I do have to admit that there are a lot of things about Obamacare that make me go weak at the knees. But it's more like giardiasis than it is foreplay.

Wonder what their pledge is if you support health reform, but not the current monstrosity that senators are donning snow shoes to come out and vote for? What? Like they won't go past second base with you? They'll kiss, but no tongue?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Now Come On...No One Plays Favorites...Do They?

Posted by Sassy 0 comments
A REALLY interesting report was just released from The Mercatus Center at George Mason University where they took a little "looksie" at our stimulus tax dollars at work...

"Democratic districts have received nearly twice as much stimulus money as Republican districts and the cash has been awarded without regard to how badly an area was suffering from job losses, according to a new study."

So...I'm thinking...well, DUH! Most of the blue districts have a lower economic status. My 8 year old could have come to the same conclusion!

Til I got to the last two lines of the article...

"Oddly, the Mercatus study found far more stimulus money went to higher-income areas than lower-income areas.

"We found no correlation between economic indicators and stimulus funding. Preliminary results find no effect of unemployment, median income, or mean income on stimulus funds allocation," the report said."

Now, it's true...I only worked in stat research for about three years...but this shouldn't have happened STATISTICALLY, right? Yet, it did.

Read the whole article here:
Democratic Districts Won Twice as Much Stimulus...

An Oldie but a Goodie!

Posted by Sassy 0 comments
And you thought haggis was the only gift Scots had to offer!

Extreme Sheep Herding

Where are you mainstream media?

Posted by Sassy 0 comments
A goody buddy aluded to a little article furnished via DRUDGE. Seems like there maybe a new currency on the block...

"The move will give the hyper-rich club of oil exporters a petro-currency of their own, greatly increasing their influence in the global exchange and capital markets and potentially displacing the US dollar as the pricing currency for oil contracts. Between them they amount to regional superpower with a GDP of $1.2 trillion (£739bn), some 40pc of the world’s proven oil reserves, and financial clout equal to that of China."

Well...that doesn't sound too promising, does it? Although I'm sure its impossible to accurately predict exactly what this will do to the American dollar, it does seem like it might be an issue, should it come to pass. Not that you would think so by the ENORMOUS amount of coverage that MSNBC, Fox, or CNN are giving it. And although the new "currency" might be a tad unstable for the near future, it sends a huge message that America is no longer a necessary part of the oil equation.

I guess it would be an opportunity for the good ol' USA to pull back some of our wayward currency and dispose of it before it floats unattended losing value...but somehow I just don't think that would happen. There's so much better stuff we could do with it, like buy votes!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Posted by Sassy 0 comments

Oh, this cracks my stuff up! It would be more funny if it weren't half true...or maybe all true. I don't know, can we trust any of them anymore?

Oh Good.....

Posted by Sassy 0 comments
Whew...there for a minute I worried. Before seeing THIS I was under the impression that the good ol' USandA was flat, busted broke! Turns out we have lots of money to spare.

Wait...We are broke????

But that doesn't make much sense, I mean of ALL people...surely CONGRESS wouldn't spend money before we have it...

Really…..I mean, REALLY?

Posted by Sassy 0 comments
WOW. I mean, just....WOW.

There are just so many things about this that disturb me. So, because Liberman won't participate in the Senate health care fiasco, as it stands, his wife has nothing to offer the field of breast cancer awareness?

When are we going to grow up and realize that partisan political moves hurt everyone involved?

Budgets, Bankroll, and Bacon

Posted by Sassy 0 comments
I just don't understand when we are finally going to get to point where we can look past our differences and realize that the majority of Americans want what is best for America...We just have differing opinions on how to achieve that.

For every person that thinks we are obligated morally to provide health insurance, I can find another that believes by increasing social programming we are "programming" generations of Americans to believe it’s impossible for them to take care of themselves. Are not both of those noble thoughts?

Nope. Instead we hate each other, just as the media and washington had always hoped. Instead of looking at facts, we'll continue to spew hateful remarks and insults. All the while, the people that we expect to represent our interests (and to whom we have pledged our undying political devotion) are too busy stuffing dollars in their pockets to even appreciate all of their divisive hard work.

What do we have to show for it? Hatred. Hatred and hilarity.

In this enlightening age we will know all about how grapes pass on dna, what's the cool hip place for teens in Georgia, and have a better understanding for the pig stench in Iowa. Even if this knowledge comes at the expense of a little girl or boy going to bed hungry because their breadwinning dad lost his job.

Then again, maybe that's not hilarity....nothing about that seems funny anymore.